Heart Disease And Fat Nutrition: the Truth


1.         Heart Disease (HD) And Fat Nutrition: Introduction

2.         Truth about HD and Oils is not exactly as advertised

3.         HDL/LDL ratio is not the right measure: Controlling it causes harm 

4.         Statistics and Functional Medicine should confirm each other.

5.         Statistics based “Science” versus Anecdotal Reports 
6.         The Truth: What Causes Heart Disease - Miracle of Coconut Oil     
7.         The Lie: Heart Disease Risk Factors for Adults - Texas Heart Institute Heart ...

8.         Why choose Red Herring Medicine, not Functional Medicine?

9.         What we have been doing to treat plaques?

10.     Hypothesis: Modified oils are bad: They are.

11.     NTOs are not harmful. Despite the false dogma, they are helpful. Proofs.

12.     Statins Block Synthesis of Cholesterol, Ubiquinone (CoQ10), Heme

13.     Scurvy is the same as AA deficiency

14.     How To Fix This Malnutrition-Caused Epidemic Of Heart Attacks And Scurvy

15.     Food Intake Oils That Are Necessary Or Essential To Health Odd and Even chains

16.     Table-1 Common Food Oils Composition

17.     Anti Microbial Oils And Derivative Molecules

18.     Kitava Island Diet: No heart disease or strokes from eating exclusively oils from fish and coconuts

19.     Reflections on Kitava Diet

20.     The real problems and some possible future functional solutions:

21.     References

22.     More Supporting Details: CoQ10 and Statins


Heart Disease (HD) And Fat Nutrition: Introduction 

Heart and arterial diseases are a major cause of death factor.  Since medicine uses a descriptive language, there is a tendency to attribute the described anomalies as causal factors.  In fact they may be or they may just be symptomatic of a hidden cause or active agent.  Stenosis accompanies back pain.

Inflammation caused by infections causes the pain and the stenosis.  Neutralize the infection and the pain vanishes, but the stenosis remains.  Similarly, with HD, the infection causes inflammation.  Scurvy causes ROS proliferation.  Oxides attack the epithelial microbes and also weaken the epithelial surfaces. The plaques both protect the microbes and the weakened epithelial tissue.  Provide the appropriate antibiotics and lots of Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and the cause of the plaques is removed.  Proper nutrition alone can make a big difference. See Pauling’s atherosclerotic nutrition protocol for HD discussion on our website.

In the following discussion a disproved theory is said to be falsified.  Since our information flows have gaps and time lags, there is a sizable population component that is unaware of the falsification.  Sometimes it takes hundreds of years for the consensus to shift, and too often the falsification event is forgotten several times before it is appreciated and generally taught.

We are all victims of falsified consensus medicine as it is practiced in the real world.  Our training on such a complex field of knowledge is incomplete. Because there is so much information, much of the important discoveries are not taught or are taught by ignorant persons who get it wrong.  John Ely of the University of Washington had some useful things to say about unprofitable modalities in medicine and nutrition which need to be practiced, but are not.  John Ely Science of Essential Nutrition


 Heart Disease And Fat Nutrition:  Truth about HD and Oils is not exactly as advertised.  

Now it is necessary to question the falsified “oils” statistical arguments and see how this changes our stroke & heart-disease outcomes. We have been brainwashed by ‘red herring’ medicine, biased interpretations, confusing effects with causes, and aggressive promotion of incomplete/wrong conclusions. See Dr. Mary Enig: The Truth About Saturated Fats.

For at least 55 years I have observed the oils-marketing-generated, pseudo-“health” propaganda & advertising that polyunsaturated fats are good and saturated fats are bad. That saturated fats are actually the evil-cause of heart disease. As if you can actually demonize a molecule.  The propaganda says:

·           Red herrings: First, HDL cholesterol is bad. Later, HDL is protective. More recently, HDL is not protective. Truth: HDL levels and  HDL/LDL are measures of a symptom. Studies conflict. Doctors treat their patients in accord with the latest small sample statistical fad.

·           Non-sequitur: 1) That controlling the cholesterol eaten or the amount made by the body removes the plaques. One increasingly observed effect  of  reducing cholesterol appears to be that of cholesterol starvation, which can adversely affect cholesterol-using parts of the body more than it does the plaques. (Slowing the body’s regeneration and causing atrophy of muscles and nerves)

·           Non-sequitur:  2) That saturated fats, rather than carbohydrates, play a part in the mechanism of plaque formation. False, no relationship at all. However some saturated fats are essential to health and we are not eating enough of them.

·           Non-sequitur:  3) That increasing the HDL/LDL ratio will reduce the rate of plaque formation.  Refuted by recent studies: adding excess Lecithin to the diet increases the HDL/LDL ratio and should reduce the plaques based on statistical correlations in other studies. Truth: a chemical mechanism was found where normal gut bacteria create a rotten fish smelling gas, which is converted in the liver into a molecule (TMAO) that enhances the growth of the plaques. The bacteria is a so called probiotic that has both beneficial and harmful features in its DNA recipes.


HDL/LDL ratio is not the right measure: Controlling it causes harm.

Functional biochemistry and bacteriology do not tell us that in-vivo suppressing LDL or HDL cholesterol has much of a negative effect on the bacteria grown plaques. The reverse may be true. Microbe filled biofilms may actually influence the HDL/LDL ratio. They certainly control it in the plaque microbial colonies.  The marginal difference in heart attack rates if we were to change the serum HDL-C/LDL-C ratio, after the fact, may only be 1 to 2 percent reduction, if any in the heart attack death rate. At the same time other death rate fractions increase by more than this so total death rate is worse. 

Many of the HD sudden heart attack deaths may be due to fibrillation which may be aggravated by a dietary or water supply magnesium deficiency.  The pain from some chronic infections is reportedly eliminated/reduced for some by Epsom salts baths or poultices.

One of the main causes of atherosclerosis is low AA or scurvy. Oxides proliferate and cause a cascade of toxins to be generated. The pharmacokinetics of AA is not widely understood.  The official AA nutritional guidelines are plainly just wrong for persons with chronic infections.  In practice, only a few percent of patients is the AA blood level taken; and its high variability is misunderstood. Blood AA is not a measure of AA in the tissues and cells where the scurvy acts in a latent, destructive and toxin-generating manner.

Recently it was discovered that lecithin’s component, phosphatidylcholine, when fed to mice caused their intestinal bacteria to generate a gas that smells like rotten fish. The gas molecules when transferred via the blood to the liver are transformed to make an enzyme, trimethylamine N-oxide or TMAO.  TMAO acts to greatly increase arterial plaques’ growth rates. Lecithin at the same time increases the HDL/LDL ratio to reduce the theoretical risk-factor of heart disease. Here, HDL/LDL risk factor is positively correlated to plaque formation and elsewhere negatively correlated to heart disease statistics.  This proves that the prevailing theory of beneficial HDL/LDL cholesterol control is false, because it is functionally-controlled by diet and gut microbiome, factors that were not considered in the statistical studies we rely on.

 After enough years of statin reduction programs to make a difference, heart disease is still with us, statistics only slightly changed. We are now redefining the limiting HDL levels to such a low level that harmful symptoms and bad drug reactions are emerging. Statins prescriptions and the way we prescribe them without CoQ10 and the other antioxidant vitamins is now causing notable increases in nutrition-deficiency-caused harm.  But our harm detection reporting system is also broken, so we do not notice it, except as reported by a few watchdog websites.  See our thorough discussion of statin drug caused harm.


Statistics and Functional Medicine should confirm each other.

There is a divergence between functional-medicine’s how-it-works, body-of-evidence and the statistical “conclusions” and selected meta-studies that drive the drug advertising and the nutrition promoting engines of oil & fat sales in the USA and the developed world.  Marketing supported promotions are designed to influence our consumption and the medical prescription rates.


Statistics based “Science” versus Anecdotal Reports

I have observed that when they want to tell you a lie, and sell you an idea, they often do it with statistics.  This is because it invokes the god of Science.  We accept and do not question arguments with the image of Science. Most people, >99% of them, do not have the skills and the data needed to question the basis of the statistics-derived conclusions.  The brain just turns off.  Were you aware that the just mentioned “>99%” was just made up?  See what I mean.  So I conclude that when someone is using statistics, in a public context he might be trying to sell me something.  I need to get alternative knowledge and to think more deeply about the matter.

Now what to do with the functional-data that belies the statistics?  Promoters just invoke the minor-devil Anecdotal.  Find any/all exception/s to the statistics, call it/them anecdotal, and almost all of us will turn away without further questioning. 

Then they also use Evidence-Based methodologies.  There is a lot of evidence pro and con.  The Con  artist will of course select only the evidence that proves his point and pretend that there is no other evidence.  Who can argue with evidence?  The evidence summarized by the Con artist is slanted; not the whole truth, fraudulent.  The suppression of the ideas about vitamin C in high-level usage, Kalokerinos, Stone, Pauling, Klenner and Cathcart’s collected works was done in this way.  Future studies in directions known to lead to successful undesirable competition were blocked and their supporting published articles were just ignored.  Incomplete, slanted Meta-studies were generated and became the citations for these Evidence-Based frauds.  Competing researchers are just denied funds or approvals, like Thomas McPherson Brown’s proposed antibiotic long-term protocols proofs. Even after he proved bacteria caused arthritis.

I have found a lot of insight (and sometimes profit) into looking closely at exceptions to the “rules”.  Some anecdotal reports are well written, detailed, insightful, and thought provoking. Some even have analysis and postulate how and why things worked in these particular cases.  Many case history reports come from a careful observer with no particular axe to grind. Some do come via marketing sites and may still be credible.  Given an anecdotal narrative I can then postulate new causal relationships and seek out confirmatory proofs.

Most important, anecdotal reports can confirm a hunch or give me a new hunch to confirm.

Most of us do not have the time to look things up.  It used to be much harder.  Now it is easy with searches on the Internet.  It still requires judgment, but excellence stands out.

Advertising-driven, paid-for studies & planted medical journal “research” have created an image of safety for what is sold and have told the lie, for over 50 years, that natural tropical-oils are harmful.  They are not, and some saturated fats provide microbial defenses and are essential building cholesterol, hormone molecules and to support good nerve, gut and brain health.  By avoiding palm and coconut oils, we have created a lot of unnecessary health problems.  By not eating enough vitamin C (AA) we promote oxides that toxify our fats and proteins when we suffer from chronic infections.


If you Google [coconut ischemic heart plaques] you find:

·  What Causes Heart Disease - Miracle of Coconut Oil


The Truth: Discover the hidden fact about what causes heart disease, and the simple way to ... In fact, it's called Atheromatous Plaque, the beginning stage of what causes ... in the blood flow to the brain, you are more likely to have an ischemic stroke. ...

“Studies indicate that microorganism[s] is[/are] a cause of the injury on the arterial wall…. When the organism enters into the bloodstream, it will attack arterial cells until the arterial wall gets damaged….. Blood platelets, calcium, proteins and other lipids combine together in order to heal the wound on the arterial wall. This will also cause the plaque sticking to the arterial wall.   In fact, it's called Atheromatous Plaque, the beginning stage of what causes heart disease….”

The proximate causes of plaques that cause strokes and heart disease are Chlamydiae pneumoniae and certain other epithelial invading CWD bacterial forms whose DNA has been found in the plaques.

·  Heart Disease Risk Factors for Adults - Texas Heart Institute Heart ...


Misleading:  Major heart disease risk factors for adults are explained. ... fat include butter fat in milk products, fat from red meat, and tropical oils such as coconut oil. ... When plaque builds up in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart, you are at ... [higher risk.]

“Although we often blame the cholesterol found in foods that we eat for raising blood cholesterol, the main culprit is the saturated fat in food. (Be sure to read nutrition labels carefully, because even though a food does not contain cholesterol it may still have large amounts of saturated fat.) Foods rich in saturated fat include butter fat in milk products, fat from red meat, and tropical oils such as coconut oil.”


Misleading: This “main culprit is the saturated fat in food” is an oversimplification.  The unmodified saturated fat, “Lauric acid increases total cholesterol the most of all fatty acids. But most of the increase is attributable to an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) "good" cholesterol. As a result, lauric acid has "a more favorable effect on Total/HDL cholesterol than any other fatty acid, either saturated or unsaturated"; a lower Total/HDL cholesterol ratio suggests a decrease in atherosclerotic risk.”  -  Lauric acid


[Another saturated fat, Palmitic acid, is precursor for lung surfactants that alleviate COPD. Palmitic was found to be essential to keep mice alive when fed exclusively highly-promoted canola oil they died.]


More Truth: It will be seen that the malnutrition caused by this “anti saturated fat” propaganda is causing the “problem” of the plaques, by depriving us of the foods that would be used by the body to control systemic infections (Yeasts: Caprylic acid), respiratory tract (COPD: Palmitic), gut (HIV: Lauric), and plaque infections (HD: Lauric). 


In New Guinea, there is an island (Kitava) where the primary fat intake is saturated coconut oil and there is no heart disease, plaques or strokes, at all, in the native population that does not eat our [American or European] diet. Go here to read about this exception that disproves the rule.


So we [and medical science] have two possible solutions:

1.        Functional Medicine: Cure the cause.  Eliminate the bacteria with antibiotics, coconut oil, and suppress the toxins with ascorbic acid. Use proper nutrition from the Linus Pauling case history and the John Ely Essential Nutrition Modalities.

2.        Red-Herring Medicine:  Control two of the many statistical (falsified) risk factors: Saturated fats and cholesterol. Controlling cholesterol modifies an “effect” not a causal factor; and if statins and dietary reductions are over prescribed, cholesterol-starves the body [See: Statins' Harm].

Not eating essential tropical fats can unbalance our hormones, lower our metabolism, and remove food components that would provide natural protection from viruses, yeasts, protozoa, and bacteria cell wall deficient (CWD) forms. The epithelial invading CWD microbes live in the plaque, so by not eating the saturated fat Lauric acid, we aid the infection.


So saturated fat is bad is a red herring (lie), distracting us from a functional solution. This has been going on for many years.



Conclusion: If a risk factor is an “effect” and not a “cause”, controlling it is useless, perhaps harmful. Doing so can definitely be harmful  if we block making CoQ10 and HEME, that are essential molecules. Reducing cholesterol shortens lifetimes and destroys the health and vitality of the elderly.  We have seen it happening in ourselves and for other family members.


Why choose 2-Red Herring Medicine, not 1-Functional Medicine?  

Systemic treatment of persistent  Chlamydia pneumonia infections (C.pn) is hard, costly, and doesn’t always work. Relapses happen frequently.  The same thing happens with Lyme disease’s persistent Borellia bacteria.

We all have Chlamydia pneumonia infections.  Ten years ago CDC estimated it at above 65 % if you were over 50 in age. Now CDC says incidence is “unknown”.  But they report 2 to 5 million of pneumonia cases each year, so in 50 years the entire population would have had C.pn pneumonia at least once.  The infections are persistent, they do not go away if untreated, and they slowly kill you.

C.pn is very hard to eliminate; it is very persistent.  C.pn has multiple CWD forms. It spreads just about everywhere in the body, causing meningo-encephalitis (brain and meninges), myocarditis (heart muscle), and Guillain-Barré syndrome, atherosclerosis, Multiple sclerosis, Chronic fatigue, Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Fibromyalgia, Chronic sinusitis, Cardiac disease, Interstitial cystitis(bladder), Prostatitis, Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's disease, Inflammatory bowel disease,1 etc.

C.pn invades nerves, brain, muscles, kidneys, liver, bladder, prostate, epithelial cells in many tracts---(circulatory, respiratory, gut, urinary), immune cells---(macrophages and monocytes).

The standard single antibiotic courses (two weeks monotherapy) only kill C.pn in one of its three life phases, leaving other live forms of C.pn bacteria that are in other CWD stages to renew infection. This is what creates its persistence.2 We need a more intelligent protocol methodology.  GOOGLE[Trevor Marshall] for an example of a global team trying to develop one. Notable success comes from their great dedication and persistence.  Excellence stands out.


What we have been doing to treat plaques?!

We have been controlling the saturated-fats “risk-factor” using diet rules. We have been controlling made-cholesterol using statins, and eaten cholesterol by diet for many years. We have been starving ourselves of essential cholesterols and causing an unhealthful deficiency in essential molecules, CoQ10 and HEME.

During that time we find more functional medicine studies proving that certain “abnormal” HDL/LDL ranges are an effect, not a cause. We also find an increasing number (>15,000) of anecdotal cases of the harm produced by taking statins. We find the bad statin drug reactions are being grossly underreported by practitioners to the government.

We read that some doctors seem brainwashed by the flood of marketing driven paid for studies of the drug companies, saying “statins can do no harm”, so they actively ignore the many patients who report statin adverse reaction symptoms. They do not report the drug reactions.

Our not nutritionally treating the cause of sclerotic plaques has huge costs. Controlling HDL/LDL produces little or no benefit.  With no CoQ10 supplementation, statins produce measurable harm. Finally, we have a compelling study of statin-produced harm.  Adverse Events of Statins - An Informal Internet-based Study. We also have studies that show that reducing cholesterol shortens life. Cited by Dr Malcolm Kendrick: The Great Cholesterol Myth.


Hypothesis: Some modified oils are bad:

Modified (hydrogenated) oils and oxidized (rancid) fats and oxidized cholesterol are not nutritious, some can be harmful toxins, or they are warped molecules that do not work in our biochemistry where natural molecules should fit in normally. 

Many of the margarines we use in the US contain domestic oils that have been hydrogenated to raise their melting point. We still see dietary propaganda that natural caprylic, palmitic and lauric oils are harmful in foods when they are not.

We fixate now on the “new bad fats” that are Trans fats or hydrogenated fats.  The problem is bigger.  We are eating modified junk, artificial non-food non-cheeses; and not eating the good stuff, natural food, instead. Our media, driven by nationalistic agricultural interests, are still lying about what is good and bad. It may be good for the balance of payments but bad for our heath.

The hydrogenated fats we do eat are not nutritious, and possibly harmful. We substitute junk for nutritious natural animal fats, butter and Natural Tropical Oils. (NTOs) 

Unsaturated fats turn rancid rapidly, converting to more-toxic forms. So we saturate them and convert them to junk fats that at least do not taste bad.  Meanwhile saturated, stable, nutritious, antimicrobial NTOs could be used naturally because they are a food we evolved with. 


Natural Tropical Oils   See Saturated Fatty Acids

NTOs are even numbered Carbon chain saturated fats: Lauric, Palmitic, Myristic, Caprylic, Capric, Caproic acids.

Odd numbered Carbon chain saturated fats are subject of Revichi anti microbial protocols.  See Revichi Legacy.


NTOs, if not abused by over heating or refining, can provide natural, fat-soluble, essential vitamins in all their alternate forms. As soon as we process them with heat they may be modified and may lose their nutritional values.


Hypothesis:  NTOs are not harmful. Despite the false dogma, NTOs are helpful, anti microbials.




Mitochondrial dysfunction: When a cell is invaded by a microbe, the microbe steals energy from the cell. Provide more Heme, and CoQ10 and all the cells get more ATP energy. Your tiredness is lessened. You feel the difference.  You feel more alive. Systemic yeast infection causes mitochondrial energy reduction. Add enough systemic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and invaded cells are attacked by the oxidized form of vitamin C (DHA) killing the invaded cells.  See Liposomal vitamin C for one way to get the high blood concentrations needed so the AA works like an antibiotic.


Statins: Take statins and the production of CoQ10 and Heme stops.  Cell energy pathways and metabolic cycles stop working; all cells have metabolic dysfunctions.  Fatigue and depression increases. Nerves and muscles start to atrophy and muscles start to hurt, cells die and are not replaced. You age faster.  (See below) Combine this with not enough vitamin C: Oxygen transport suffers and too little CoQ10 and too little oxygen degrade heart muscle action, systemic muscle energy production is reduced. Feelings of increased muscle and mental tiredness are the result.


Statins Block Synthesis of Cholesterol, Ubiquinone (CoQ10), Heme & Other Essential Molecules:

Block the Mevalonate Pathway and Get Some Unfortunate Results:



Scurvy is the same as AA deficiency. But scurvy is a long time frame dietary malady. There is also a short term dynamic.


How To Fix This Malnutrition-Caused Epidemic Of Heart Attacks And Scurvy:


Food Intake Oils That Are Necessary Or Essential To Health:

According to my definition: “Essential Oils” include:  Omega 3, Lauric, Palmitic, Caprylic and Myristic. Because of their use as steroid hormone-feed stock or as antimicrobial or immune modulating functions. One might add virgin olive oil for its anti microbial factors as well as its taste. Goat cheeses are rich in Caprylic acid (anti yeast) and related factors. Palmitic acid (butter) is a precursor for a respiratory surfactant (POPG) that is anti-inflammatory.

The Sources: Virgin And Cold-Pressed, Unrefined Oils:

 Olive, Palm, Palm Kernel, and/or Coconut oils may have additional vitamin and essential antioxidant components such as CoQ10, Vitamin E alternative forms, Vitamin A forms, etc.

Lauric acid, Caprylic acid, CoQ10 and AA reverse mitochondrial dysfunctions by killing infected cells, which are slowly replaced by new cells that are not infected, because they kill the CWD microbial forms and inhibit the invasion-helping hyaluronidase penetration enzyme. Appropriate anti CWD and Chlamydia pneumonia killing antibiotic protocols should be used with the improved nutrition on a persistent, many months schedule.

Palmitic acid is a precursor of POPG a surfactant in the lungs that protects against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), mycoplasmas, and other COPD microbe components. POPG blocks inflammation-triggering signaling between microbes and the immune cells that they have learned to invade. It is seen in the Table 1, below, that if you consume exclusively canola oil, you will lack the needed input of palmitic acid. Butter, high in palmitic acid, was shown essential to prevent health problems in animals used to test the safety of canola oil. Lard and beef tallow also are high in palmitic acid. 

Stearic acid is also a saturated fat but has few reports of antimicrobial functions.


Table- 1 Common Food Oils Composition:  for an excellently written overview of fatty acids.

See: http://www.scientificpsychic.com/fitness/fattyacids1.html



Oil Name





C18:2n-6 w6



C18:3n-3 w3

Capric C10:0

Caprylic C8:0

Caproic C6:0













(Per 100g =3.5 oz.)


Anti- Microbes,

Immune Support


Inhibits T-Lymphocytes

Inhibits bacteria protein reductase (FABI)

Essential Fatty acid






Snake Oil


Reduces Pain










Anti- Microbes

Inhibits FABI




Brain, Nerves,


Cell Synthesis,



































Butter (Cow)










Clarified 200mg

Butter (Human)




2% Capric











3-6% Capric






8% Caprylic C8:0





2% Capric


















Cocoa Butter











Cod Liver





















5% C:22 & C:24

3% C:20






















91 mg











~90 mg??












Goat milk butter, cheese

Caprylic anti yeast




15% Total



3% Caproic








Grape seed
































95 mg

Lecithin, de-oiled










~50% Phospholipids               

Neem Margosa

































Palm Kernel




4% Capric

















1.7% Arachidic













































Tallow - Beef


2 - 3%



6 - 8%

49 -50%

27 - 30%


14 - 16%

95 mg












Wheat Germ












Anti Microbial Oils And Derivative Molecules:

The ingested natural oils are converted in the gut to monoglycerides.

“The properties that determine the anti-infective action of lipids are related to their structure, e.g., monoglycerides, free fatty acids. The monoglycerides are active; diglycerides and triglycerides are inactive [against microbes]. Of the saturated fatty acids, lauric acid (C-12) has greater antiviral activity than caprylic acid (C-8), capric acid (C-10) or myristic acid (C-14). 

In general, it is reported that the fatty acids and monoglycerides produce their killing/inactivating effect by lysing the plasma membrane lipid bilayer. The antiviral action attributed to monolaurin is that of solubilizing the lipids and phospholipids in the envelope of the virus, causing the disintegration of the virus envelope.

Liposomal vitamin C is lecithin (phospholipids) nano-encapsulated ascorbic acid. It also has an affinity for the microbes’ lipid membranes and the capsule delivers AA to the microbes where it can act as an antibiotic. When the AA is oxidized, it can kill them.  DHA is transported inside infected sugar ingesting cells by the same conduits that pass sugars. DHA oxidizes the mitochondria, and induces cell-death (apoptosis).

There is also evidence from recent studies that one antimicrobial effect against bacteria is related to monolaurin's  interference with signal transduction (Projan et al., 1994), and another antimicrobial effect in viruses is due to lauric acid's interference with virus assembly and viral maturation (Hornung et al., 1994).” (Ref-2, below)

Palmitic acid (butter) derived POPG also reduces signaling between microbe and immune phagocytes, reducing the opportunity of the microbe to attract a cell to invade as a replication factory.  Other drugs also do this but need to be supplemented with antibiotics (tetracyclines) to kill the bacteria forms.

Cholesterol column numbers (above) are grams per 100gm = 3.5 Oz.  Standard Sample


No heart disease or strokes from eating exclusively oils from fish and coconuts

The residents of Kitava lived exclusively on root vegetables (yam, sweet potato, taro, tapioca), fruit (banana, papaya, pineapple, mango, guava, water melon, pumpkin), vegetables, fish and coconuts [27-29]. Less than 0.2% of the caloric intake came from Western food, such as edible fats, dairy products, sugar, cereals, and alcohol, compared with roughly 75% in Sweden [30]. The intake of vitamins, minerals and soluble fiber was therefore very high, while the total fat consumption was low, about 20 % [28], as was the intake of salt (40-50 mmol Na/10 MJ compared with 100-250 in Sweden). Due to the high level of coconut consumption, saturated fat made up an equally large portion of the overall caloric intake as is the case in Sweden. However, lauric acid was the dominant dietary saturated fatty acid as opposed to palmitic acid in Sweden. Malnutrition and famine did not seem to occur.” [Ref-11, below]


The only deaths from eating coconut oils, was by falling out of a coconut tree during the coconut gathering process.


Reflections on Kitava Diet:

It was noted elsewhere in the Kitava island studies that the people were not obese. But they eat a huge amount of natural carbohydrates and fiber. Natural exercise is a factor.


Lauric acid (LA) generates a lot more cholesterol HDL than other fats. LA induced cholesterol is a hormone precursor. Coconuts when fed to cattle increased the energy level and metabolism and the cattle lost fatty weight. This is superficially counterintuitive.


Obesity has a hormonal deficiency component. Insulin is a hormone. Without LA, the anti obesity fat/sugar-metabolism regulatory hormone is missing its fatty precursor, the precursor that coconut oil supplies.  Iodine deficiency can lead to adrenal hormone and cortisone cortisol regulation problems. Sea fish diet supplies enough iodine and magnesium and other minerals.  Sea salt is helpful compared to regular salt.


The real complexity of fat/cholesterol/hormone generation pathways at the molecular level is fairly complex. The simplicity of the HDL/LDL model is appealing but is too simple, and I believe it is mostly useless.


To really understand how all the relevant molecule pathways work we need an online database, like a Wikipedia page for each molecule. A free access Internet online bio-molecule Beilstein. We need to catalog each bioactive molecule variant shape and see how it might be used and misused by our bacteria invaders.  What a lot of work. And for what?  Right now with statins HDL/LDL pseudo-science, we are getting only a dubious 1-2 percent shift-change in the Heart disease cause of death outcome statistics.  At the expense of proper cholesterol nutrition, we shift “cause of death” to other categories and speeds up aging, and we die sooner of other causes.  Negative cost-benefit statistics.


Proper cholesterol nutrition the body must make cholesterol from the fatty acid input feed stocks. Simply trying to reduce cholesterols big vs little molecules is bound to have adverse nutritive effects on those body processes that use cholesterols.


So those feedstock molecules that raise cholesterol are probably essential feedstock molecules.  These are the tropical oils.


The real problems and some possible future functional solutions:

·           Identify the bugs like Lyme’s Bb, and the “Bug of all trades”, Cpn, and others (mycoplasmas) we all have.

·           Find all the stages/forms and host cell targets; microbiology basic research is incomplete or un-cataloged.

·           Find and document the antibiotic and antimicrobial food susceptibilities of the various forms of each pathogenic invader.

·           CRC has data on microbes, listing what biochemicals they manufacture; Gene sequencing correlates to this; link these data bases and fill in the gaps of knowledge.  Put it online with low cost access to practitioners and researchers.

·           Use a Multi-Multi approach to change our body’s environment,  See our discussions of the Ketonic Protocol.

o         Multi antibiotic targeted to each microbe form and stage and strong&long enough to work

o         Multi microbe treatments:  Yeasts, Viruses, Mycoplasmas, Protozoa, CWD forms, Bacteria, Spirochetes, Worms, etc

o         Use AA and Benicar to handle the Herx toxin flares of microbe die-off

o         Multi nutritional: AA, saturated tropical fats, CoQ10, Caprylic for yeast, minerals: Ca, Mg, etc

o         Mitochondrial dysfunction fixer molecules Dehydro AA and others:  Glutathione, etc?

o         Antimicrobial foods: Ethnic foods are generally accepted as safe (GAS), keep this un-patented, unregulated open to all.

·           Future and Far out Solutions:

o         Probiotic gut: best mix of friendly microbes, after cataloging their manufactured-molecule genetics

o         Gene engineered Probiotics: with great care, after we know what we are doing, make deft improvements to Probiotic microbes to make more good molecules and eliminate the bad molecules and effects.

o         Viruses and Made-viruses with designer genetics:  Same immune generating outer shapes but without the pathology factors and add multiple apoptosis countdown-timers to made-viruses. 

o         We can do computer directed design to manufacture for silicon. Do the same with microbes made to order with multiple layered safety factors to control rogue proliferation.



Mary Enig’s Papers: Google[enig coconut antiviral]

  1. http://www.life-enthusiast.com/index/Articles/Enig/The_Great_Con-ola
  2. http://www.life-enthusiast.com/index/Articles/Enig/Coconuts_and_Oil:_Benefits
  3. http://www.life-enthusiast.com/index/Articles/Enig/Health_Risks_from_Trans_Fats
  4. http://www.life-enthusiast.com/index/Articles/Enig/Truth_About_Saturated_Fat
  5. http://www.life-enthusiast.com/index/Articles/Enig/The_Oiling_of_America
  6. http://www.life-enthusiast.com/index/Articles/Enig/Coconut_Oil:_A_New_Look
  7. http://www.life-enthusiast.com/index/Articles/Enig/Mary_Enig:_Biography
Other References
  1. http://www.ceci.ca/assets/uploads/PDF-FR/Karite/LipidsPharmaceuticalCosmeticPreparations.pdf
  2. http://research.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/allen/files/2011/09/34.pdf  POPG vs RSV
  3. http://high-fat-nutrition.blogspot.com/2007/06/living-on-isolated-island-of-kitava.html Coconut, fish, yams, roots, pumpkin, banana, guava, papaya, watermelon, squash. 2,100 Cals/day.
  4. http://www.staffanlindeberg.com/TheKitavaStudy.html  Lindberg’s classic study in detail No ischemia with their high saturated fat coconut based diet.
  5. Dr Malcolm Kendrick: The Great Cholesterol Myth. November 2005.
  6. http://www.thincs.org/news.htm The International Cholesterol Skeptics Organization, for thoughtful demolition of the myths about cholesterol.
  7. http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2003/11/09/vitamin_c_beats_statins_in_cholesterol_heart_disease.htm A collection of references further confirming the ideas in the anti microbe plus nutritional approach to plaques and heart disease.
More Supporting Details: CoQ10 and Statins

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 By KFP  Updated June 1012

Copyright 2012 KF and KM Poehlmann