Slim-Fast ® High Protein Meal on-the-Go®” (energy drink)



Each 11 oz can contains 15g protein and 5g fiber, as well as 190 calories, about the same as a dinner entrée. Dieters should avoid products that perpetuate the dessert habit and instead choose fresh fruits and raw vegetables for satisfying, high fiber, between-meal snacks.





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The low fat and high protein are good attributes, but carb-conscious dieters should note the 19g net carbs (24g total minus 5g fiber) as well as the whopping 13g of sugar. Adding small amounts of two dozen crushed vitamins to the liquid is no substitute for real, nutritious food.


The lengthy ingredient list contains assorted dyes, sugars, and unrecognizable chemicals that may prompt a “sugar high” rather than a feeling of meal satisfaction.



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