Act II® Microwave “Movie Theatre Butter” popcorn

Notice that each bag represents 2.5 servings. This is an unusual label in that it lists nutrition facts for both unpopped and popped conditions. Examine the popped data per serving: 1.5g of saturated fat, 60mg sodium, and 4g of carbs.


If you eat the whole bag of popcorn, multiply these numbers by 2.5 to get 3.75g of saturated fat, 60mg sodium, and 4g carbs, 150mg sodium, and 8g net carbs. Surprisingly, there is less than one gram of dietary fiber in popped corn per serving. Each bag contains only about 2g of fiber.


The ingredients list includes artificial flavor, color, and preservative chemicals. Also noteworthy is the line “Contains: egg, fish, milk.” This is valuable information to those who might have allergies. The question arises: why is fish an ingredient contained in popcorn?


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