Stouffer’s Lean Cuisine® baked lemon pepper fish




Fish filet is breaded, which keeps it from exploding in the microwave, but the breading adds useless calories. The actual amount of bad fat is 2g.



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This responsible manufacturer alerts consumers to possible allergens milk, egg, fish, wheat. Enriched flour has essential nutrients removed during processing. These are added back as powdered vitamins. Lots of starches and salt. Note that skim milk is listed ahead of broccoli. This means that the milk weighs more than the broccoli, so the amount of green vegetable is minimal in this dinner.





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Only two grams of bad fat, but 21g of net carbs. The high carb count is because of the breading. High protein (20g) is because of the fish.

High sodium (690mg).


There should be more dietary fiber from the broccoli, so one is led to assume that there is more cheese sauce than vegetable portion in the package.



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