Breyers® Light vanilla-chocolate-strawberry light ice cream



Dieters should not be looking at desserts at all. This 1.75 quart carton claims “1/2 the fat”, so one can tell at a glance that it is made with skim milk rather than whole milk/cream. It still contains processed sugars.


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There are FOURTEEN 1/3 cup servings in this carton. Each serving represents 100 calories, 2g bad fat, 16g carbs, and 13g sugar. People eating this ice cream right out of the carton instead of measuring out a single portion may inadvertently consume several servings, multiplying the fat, carbs, and sugar amounts.


The first four ingredients are milk, skim milk, sugar, and corn syrup (another form of sugar). Ice cream of any kind should be off limits for dieters except as an occasional treat once you have reached your ideal weight.


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