When I sent my email to your posted
server address the server bounced it. So I am posting this detailed reply to
your article on our website. where you can find it and read it.
Biased article.
The problem is: what you believe to
be true is in part false. You lack the doubt, necessary to start your analysis.
The lies are not obvious, except to
persons of experience, logical thinkers and persons who have studied the topics
in some practical depth. We have watched the failed attempts to assassinate Dr
Wakefield's reputation with dismay and sadness.
You lack scholarship. Repeating the
flawed consensus as Science = Certainty = Truth.Vaccine Safety is an Oxymoron.
"The Exceptions Prove the
Rule". Prove here means to Test, not to
Confirm. What can we learn from the exceptions? From Wakefield?
From the follow on researchers that have confirmed many of his conclusions?
Certain MMR vaccines were and are
unsafe (for some) and live measles viruses cause neural inflammation.
Chronic Subclinical Scurvy and low ascorbate in the body is a factor in deaths
and disabilities after vaccination.
MMR strain measles gut chronic infections
have been confirmed as possible. ASD and gut inflammation can be related.
Connect the dots. Gut microbiome is critical for health. Bad bugs in the gut,
promoted by junk food diets make toxins that poison the body. They create
vitamin dependencies on unusually high daily intake.
What can we learn from the Corrupt UK
medical establishment (with its promotion of a dangerous vaccine) that has
tried to discredit this honest, caring man?
What can we learn from the later UK court
cases that have found malfeasance and malice among Wakefield's critics?
You repeat the old mostly refuted charges against Wakefield without an update
disproving his critics. Your unfairness and, ignorance, comes across as malice.
Poison vs Antidote: you chose the poison and ignored the antitoxin. Boo!
One test for dishonest media is the
emphasis on arguments destroying the character of a person (Like Jefferson, the
slave owner) and the near total failure in history texts to mention the many
and most significant achievements of the person. I like to read about positive
accomplishments. My heroes overcame their limitations and did magnificent good
works worth celebrating. I am offended by attacks on my heroes, and
Wakefield is one of them.
The Autism ASD epidemic statistics (about
1 in 100) reveal that we have many things wrong in our medical consensus
views. We need to doubt to find the
mistakes in medical dogma. Ignorance is no excuse for ignoramuses that
ignore. Stupid is as Stupid does.
Where are pro vaccine advocates
wrong? It is past the time to find this out. Before IBM said THINK! DeCarte said DOUBT!
Doubt the consensus: Where is Wakefield
correct? He is persistently trying to tell us in a critical manner what
he thinks is wrong with our vaccines and to help the victims. We met many of them at a showing of his
movie. They are the families, injured by the consensus.
Where is Ignore-Science in the name of Science
leading us into harmful actions? How can we stop the harms?
What are the parts of Science being ignored or
forgotten? Start with a deep study of
toxins and immunology, then study Kalokerinos’s insights.
How much of what we know are corrupted by
selection bias, advertising and/or propaganda?
We have found a lot of medical ignore-ance
by doctors in our over 15 years of reading and in our studies of alternative
relevant material for our two books.
I have tried to link to source papers
with reliable science that should be considered by medical scholars. On our
website. There is a long history of
medical mistakes relating to vaccines.
(Gulf War Illness) mystery is partly solved by looking at vaccine
contamination, live microbes, adjuvant overload, too many to fast, and
rush to deploy unsafe and untested vaccines. Garth Nicolson is a world-class
expert, look him up. Read his book.
Bill Gates’ Foundation does good, but
vaccines also do some harm, killing and disabling susceptible and chronically
ill persons. Vaccine mass deaths in
Vaccine caused families wiped-out
financially, Medical insurance social costs for the disabled. Much
overblown, pro-vaccine propaganda. Read Mercola on vaccine safety.
Vaccines and Mass Deaths and Disabilities
Kalokerinos linked endotoxins, chronic toxemia, vaccinations and a higher need
for vitamin C as the cause of mass vaccine deaths, SIDS, SBS, and the death of
Baby Yurkos.
HIV AIDS: A vaccine
deployment with HIV contaminated vaccine was a major factor in the AIDS
epidemic, Story suppressed? The history
remains on the Wayback Machine Archive.
Speculation: HIV intersect Smallpox.
They control each other. Cure Smallpox,
HIV surges, especially with the needle reuse that was rampant during the
smallpox mass vaccinations. I saw the movie, before it was suppressed.
Mandatory vaccines should carry a huge
major medical insurance guarantee for the families coerced into harming
their genetically susceptible, immune deficient, or chronically ill
children. Familial vulnerabilities are known to the adults, but not to
the politicians who want to charge gene-deficient parents with child abuse for
protecting their children from toxic vaccines. The promote a false upper limit to vitamin C intake when large
amounts of that vitamin could mitigate the vaccine caused harms. More and more vaccine jabs will cause a upsurge
in Non Communicable Diseases and patholigies.
Perverse Public Policy
Informed consent is tragically ignored and vaccination of
sick children occurs. Infant mortality national statistics improve if
vaccines are delayed and spaced out more. CDC fails to process its stats
on vaccine failures. VAERS data is under reporting by tens to hundreds in many
cases it is not quantifiable and case-selection rules are biased against
reporting of delayed reactions and deaths. Scientists in denial.
The vaccine insurance program is bankrupt if
the real claims were recognized and paid, so the vaccine court case fix was
justice corrupted. Dangers and funding
mismatch. Why are the vaccine makers
having the government and the victims pay the cost of their harms?
Vaccine failures are the real, sad story. The Lie:
Vaccines are not as safe as they need to be, they fail to work, and they cause
chronic hyper inflammation, allergies to ourselves and to otherwise benign
chronic microbes. More vaccines also
cause more “unrelated” health problems. Correlation is not causality,
except when functional medicine is ignored.
Science ignored.
Some Vaccines are not safe (for a subset of
the population) and /or may do huge harm when sub clinically sick children are
vaccinated, in the absence of higher than usual intake of vitamin C.
One perverse aspect of truth is that by
killing off the susceptible, survivors may have better medical history
statistics, "proving" the "value" of the vaccine. Flu
vaccine effectiveness is often less than 50%, Wrong strains, We, personally, had a bad Flu shot
reaction. Zostervax may cause corneal opacity (Dystrophy) in some,
leading to blindness, possibly in my own case?
Reverse some of your article's
conclusions, and you are closer to the truth.
Deeper reading will disclose which.
Search our website to find leads to alternative medical science,
ignored. Read John Ely’s wisdom, now
dark, using our links to the Wayback archive.
Trump is correct in being concerned about
vaccine safety.
There are significant gaps in our application of the known science by incompetent, lazy human scientists. Vaccine
Science is complex, and there are gaps in our understanding. Imperfect
knowledge leads to incompetent administration.
Example: CO2, the basis of plant life, is
an environmental “poison”; Extreme conclusion: Save the Planet, So "We
must abolish all carbon based life-forms." (Joke)
Too many bureaucrats have been
gate-keeping publications and awarding research grants only to proposals supporting
their agendas and to their cronies.
Vaccine-promoting propagandists have a
well funded campaign to deny harms, overstate effectiveness and promote their
products, acts which are doing harm to many persons and families. There
is a network of crony scientists with a toxic agenda, promoting the ignoring of
some aspects of vaccine safety. The
government has legally absolved them from claims. RICO act conspiracy or unintended consequences?
New Leadership: Trump should be
also replacing and retiring bad leaders to straighten out the corrupt crony
science in NIH, FDA and CDC. Better,
smarter, thoughtful, agenda-free scientists are needed to lead the
agencies. Doubters, then thinkers all.
Mensch with good, kind hearts.
To Access our Findings of over 15 years.
Google [Site: SearchTerm ]
SearchTerm = Vaccine,
Kalokerinos, Uganda, VAERS, vaccine court, ascorbic vaccine, Yurkos
baby, Klenner, Cathcart, LevyIndex, GWI, Nicolson, mitochondrial dysfunction,
.virus, pharmacokinetics .....
How to Think
It is not just "Cogito Ergo
Sum". Doubt First!
is the purpose of Descartes method of doubt?
“If I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t
have seen it.” --Yogi. Berra
Karl Poehlmann
Best wishes for your spectacular improvement
February 2017